She was already there since last weekend - Sun28Sep - taking care of some medical urgency in the family.. major, but nothing serious.. work & issues restrained me at home.. and planned next long weekend on the other side.. nothing confirmed..
Finally booked my sector 24h in advance to keep the liabilities low.. came back from work.. tied up with baldy for dinner.. what about the road? worked out the feasibility.. physical, material, economical.. 850kms.. 15h stretch.. hmmm.. more of less same.. better put on slightly lower side.. and definitely with added energy..
Rossi confirmed the next day.. 18h to go.. sector canceled.. plans made.. maps printed.. navigation in place. An 'I might' from the Master of Broken Fingers (MOBF).. yes, there's lotta space.. the more the merrier.. what else? picked everyone up.. had a late drink & dinner to fix up last minute details.. 1300h n' we hit bed.. alarms popping up at 1500h.. congested eyes opened.. two set of cloths in a bag.. Swift loaded and up for the run at 1600h..
The trip started with navigation failure within the first 70kms.. ha ha! we wondered whats in for us for the day.. back on NH4 with some extra effort.. pepped up navigation skills.. desperately trying to keep average speed to 60kmph.. with almost devastated roads.. big potholes.. constant jarring in the ears at 80kmph.. still recovering from sleep(less) cycle.. roads smoothed out a bit after 120kms or 3 hours.. and we pushed the gas..
All smiles with our average hovering above 60kmph.. touching 120kmph at times.. first pit stop at Renibennur.. HP petrol pump Dhaba.. decent meal and we are awake now.. munching some Dharwad pedas, lets push in some more gas.. average speed seemed rising fast.. with frequent bursts of 140kmph.. sometimes even 160kmph.. quite sometime spent chasing and getting chased by a Merc.. the only vehicle that whizzed past us! the scenery improved with time.. started having the feel of ghats.. destination was near.. all the time she was waiting for the flight to take off for the 1.5h trip.. yes.. the flight was delayed.. by 2h or so..
One point the tank almost went dry.. MOBF was sure there is no pit stop for next 200kms.. somehow found one - which seemed to be the only one - on the roadside.. no shelter.. no counter.. no tyre change crew.. just a lone pump.. filled up for next 200kms.. and viola! the next 10kms just had bunks.. and nothing else! MOBF at his best! ;)
Eventually entered the city.. first drop point.. the only (at least assumed so!) in-city navigator MOBF was at home and we on our own to navigate to our destination.. maps were quite accurate.. finding nemo was not much of a hassle.. asked her to check the flight from the balcony.. and there was a mixed feeling.. I guess seeing the chao-chao did the trick!! :)

Evening was very eventful.. In Pune and no Bhael? Is that really possible? Even if it is, she won't let it take happen! At home, another fav of mine awaited my night out.. loading windows could be painful with limited resources with limited disk and not so legal softwares.. trust me. ;)

Caught up with Don one more time.. final goodbyes as had to leave early morning.. went to MOBF.. confirmed the start route for the return trip.. back home.. dinner.. packed up.. hit bed.. hmmm... was a short trip.. wished we had more time.. alarms went off at 3.. shall we or just 5mins more.. 5mins turn into an hour.. and all last minute things left us hitting the road at 0445h.. straight to MOBF.. never knew he had another 30 mins to wrap up!
The journey was on.. screeching corners on the ghats.. 160kmph bursts.. good roads.. bad roads.. good potholes.. bad ones.. all seemed like a video game.. couple of pit stops to keep eyes open.. and the zillion reps of - "One thing I like about Pune is the hills!".. whizzing past trucks.. trailers.. cars.. bus.. carts.. No one to overtake us? and there was the A4.. young driver.. not much skilled.. but fast.. may be it was the car.. more bhp.. more traction.. more pull.. gave it a good chase till a final break at the Kamat.. the last meal was heavy.. not only on the stomach.. but on the head too.. Rossi had to complete the last lap home..
Touch down at 1800hrs.. MOBF took the 3-wheel chauffeur driven limousine.. all we knew was bed and the alarms popping in our heads for the next days office!
1840kms on petrol.. 15.54kpl.. Quite a Swift trip..
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