Yipeey! Its the Sports day! The time was fixed for 10am - an excellent opportunity to snore for a while more in the bed. Woke up lazily, had a light breakfast and waited for Ketut to come. He had arranged to take us to a contact of his who runs the local adventure sports on the Tanjung Benoa beach. In a few minutes he arrived with his cab, as enthusiastic and eager to take us to the sports site as we were to reach there and get into snorkeling and para-sailing. It took as around 15 minutes to reach there from our hotel. The beach was less of a beach, more of a mini harbor, with as many boats tied to it as there were those racing out in the sea. The place was lively with lots of people enjoying different activities - para-sailing, jet skiing, flying fish, banana boat ride, etc. Lots of people were wearing the diving gear which took our enthusiasm to the next level in anticipation of the snorkeling that we had planned. The tide was high and it was a good time to start our adventures.
After a short discussion with the adventure club representative - Uede - we learnt that the waters had become a little turbid compared to few days earlier. And it may not be very good idea to go in for snorkeling or the glass-bottom boat considering the not-so-good visibility of the sea bed at 6m to 9m. So what do we do now? Simple, suggested Uede - go for the scuba diving! Diving? We hardly know how to float in swimming pool water, and diving? What about the sharks? Piranhas? Crabs and all of those creatures? Well, not here, not in this part of the sea. The the Master Diver with us is over 25 years experienced, and will ensure our safety in all aspects. And we remembered - "Risk to Spiderman ko bhi lena padta hai, hum to sirf software engineers hain." And we were game for the dive. The Master quickly made us aware of the under-water sign language, breathing techniques and few tips; we put on our diving gear and were off in the boat towards the vast sea. I think we were quite away from the coast, there was no land around in any direction. The Master picked up a spot and dropped the anchor. Next we had our weight belts on, and I was the first to jump in. It looked pretty easy at start, but once you are in the middle of the sea in the water, waves splashing you against the boat, only your head above the water, and the water itself tasting salty, breathing is difficult indeed.
Its the first time in your life you release that breathing which we take for granted, no not for granted any more. All of your life you have practiced and learnt to breath from your nose, involuntary, and now you have to change that in a minute - you have to learn and adapt to breathing from your mouth. Its not easy to start with - take a few long breaths under water and suddenly you realize the the air is not enough, and you try breathing little harder, and the face mask sticks to your nose, you cant breath any longer, you panic and wooh! There goes the breathing regulator out from your mouth and the salty water literally shakes you up inside out! I need a break. And climbed back on to the boat. Haah, I am safe now, for the time being.
Back on the shore, a quick shower with fresh water and ready for the next venture. Para-Sailing. This time, it was only her. The instructor quick got all the gear out, 5 minutes of instructions, still little hesitant but finally went up in the sky in a flick. It was a 10 minute long hovering over the sea and the coastal area, before exhibiting a precision landing at the designated spot! The joy of the flight along with the thrill of the adventure and happiness from the act was reflecting all at that very moment on her face. Wrapped up our things reluctantly at the adventure club, as we had to carry on to our next destination - the Turtle Island. It was a 10 - 12 minutes boat ride, arranged by Uede, to further north and north west of the Tanjung Benoa. Its a small island, funded by the government, primarily for the turtle conservation. They have a good collection of turtles - most of them come across to the island to feed during the high tide. There are separate tanks, I guess for breeding purpose or special care of injured / rescued turtles.
What amazed us was the sheer size of turtles - though have seen it on Discovery and NatGeo - this is the first time we touched them and experienced them in the same water as us. Pretty inquisitive by nature, they all start squirming around you the moment you step into the water - small ones from the size of a hand to huge ones over 100 years in age and I guess around 50kg in weight. Try feeding them some sea weeds (the island authorities keep that) and they snap it right from your fingers. Note of caution: turtles have very strong snapping jaws, you and only you are responsible for your fingers! :)
Besides turtles, the place also has bats, python, osprey or the fishing eagle, one or two birds - mainly to attract tourists and spread awareness. You may see lot of school going kids on outing here, getting themselves familiar with the nature and the various species. The care taker staff is very polite and hospitable, and encourage you to touch and feel the different species, and built trust and confidence in conversing all wildlife around us. You may also donate if you like; the funds would be used for the upkeep of the place. There
are various options - the payment can be done right there against a receipt, or you can get a receipt and go back to your hotel to leave the donation in a sealed envelop at the front desk, which the staff comes and collects against the issued receipt number. In all we spent an hour and a half there; tired, hungry, thirsty, but still full of enthusiasm to go on and experience more Bali. The were already getting the feeling that its our last day here, and were wishing if we could stay more. Anyways, we jumped in our boat to be back at the adventure club where Ketut was waiting and more than eager to find out if we liked the island. He dropped us back to our hotel, and was hesitant to accept any payment for the whole day he had spent taking us out in his cab. It was more of his kind gesture which he, in lieu of our association with him over all these days of our stay and outings in Bali, politely extended to us.
Back at the hotel, straight to the bar, ordered some amazing lunch, couple of drinks, cool breeze blowing right across your face, and it feels like heaven again. She decided to visit the hotel Spa for some relaxation therapy massage; I whiled away the time over pool (pool table!) and darts board. Went off to our room, rested for a while, freshened up, and back on deciding the dinner venue. We had tried almost all good looking places
in the same lane as our hotel except one - The Tree. And that was the venue. No one else had return from their day trip till now, so we headed for the restaurant, located around 100m from our hotel. The food was simple - beef curry and vegetable curry - well cooked, low on spices, and fantastic. The live music made the place a lot livelier and turned the simple dinner into quite and experience. Started feeling a bit low, walked our last-leisure-walk back to our hotel, settled the hotel bills - part in USD - part in SGD - part in IDR and the rest in INR of the CC, booked the taxi for the morning ride to airport, and went for the last view of the sea shimmering under the moonlight. Sat there for quite a while, watching the endless expanse and never ending waves, the subtle sound of the breeze and cold sand beneath our feet. Back to the room and were busy wrapping up things, packing up luggage, and off to bed in the wee hours of the morning.. wished we don't have to wake up to go back! :)
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